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Membership Types and Benefits

Membership in NOVA identifies an attorney or other qualified veterans’ advocate as an active and interested practitioner of veterans’ law. NOVA has been recognized by the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) with the prestigious Hart Mankin Award for valuable contributions to the area of veterans’ law. NOVA has been asked to participate in regulation rewrites by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). NOVA members regularly submit Amicus briefs to the Court on issues of widespread interest and importance to our practitioners. NOVA has initiated legal challenges on its own of unfair regulations promulgated by VA. NOVA members are more often than not counsel of record in important cases at the Court.

NOVA offers a variety of membership types to meet your specific needs:


  • Dues: $460/year
  • Eligibility: Any individual who was not previously a member of NOVA, and who practices or intends to practice before the CAVC and/or VA.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduced rates on NOVA semi-annual Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars.
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes FULL access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans. 
    • Excludes listing on the Attorney/Agents Directory page of NOVA’s website, voting privileges, or the right to serve on the Board of Directors.



  • Dues: $500/year
  • Eligibility: You must be actively engaged in representing claimants pursuing VA benefits, must be accredited by VA and/or admitted to practice at the CAVC, and have already been a member of NOVA at the Attorney/Agent level or otherwise for one year.
  • Sustaining members must agree to comply with these minimum standards of practice:
    • Representation of a veteran shall include a review of the veteran’s claims folder. Timely filing and responses to all Department and Court designated time frames for filings, pleadings, and motions. Attendance at one NOVA Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course every 24 months.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduced rates on NOVA CLE semi-annual seminars.
    • Voting privileges.
    • Opportunity to serve on NOVA's Board of Directors.
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes FULL access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans.
    • Optional public directory listing on the NOVA website for veterans' seeking legal assistance.
    • Use of NOVA’s name and logo on advertising, if permitted by your State Bar Association’s rules of ethics, to proudly show your dedication to meeting the highest standards in your practice of veteran’s law (per NOVA policy).
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.


  • Dues: $250/year
  • Eligibility: Limited to members of legal aid organizations, and pro bono practitioners who are representing claimants for VA benefits without charge to the claimant or receipt of remuneration of any kind, including EAJA fees, by themselves or their employers. Does not require that the practitioner be admitted to practice before the CAVC.
  • Benefits:
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans.
    • Reduced “member rate” on NOVA semi-annual CLE seminars.
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.
    • Excludes listing on the Attorney/Agents Directory page of NOVA’s website, voting privileges, or the right to serve on the Board of Directors.



  • Dues: $250/year
  • Eligibility: Limited to Veterans Service Organization representatives and attorneys.
  • Benefits:
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes READ ONLY access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans.
    • Reduced “member rate” on NOVA semi-annual CLE seminars.
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.
    • Excludes listing on the Attorney/Agents Directory page of NOVA’s website, voting privileges, or the right to serve on the Board of Directors.



  • Dues: $200/year
  • Eligibility: Any individual currently a law school professor or currently enrolled as a full-time law student.
  • Benefits:
    • Reduced “student rate” on NOVA semi-annual CLE seminars.
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans.
    • Excludes listing on the Attorney/Agents Directory page of NOVA’s website, voting privileges, or the right to serve on the Board of Directors.


  • Dues: $250/year
  • Eligibility: Those individuals, i.e., secretaries, legal assistants, and paralegals, who support a current Sustaining Member(s).
  • Benefits:
    • Discounted member registration fees to attend NOVA conferences.
    • Access to the Members Only Area on NOVA’s website, which includes READ ONLY access to the NOVA Groups (formerly the Forums),  and the NOVA Document Library.
    • Access to the Week in Review- a weekly digest of articles and news from across the country relating to veterans.
    • Access to our M21-1 Service; the M21-1 Adjudication Procedures Manual is VA's internal guide to processing claims and appeals - we review each change, distill the important information, and provide it in a searchable database for members.
    • Excludes listing on the Attorney/Agents Directory page of NOVA’s website, voting privileges, or the right to serve on the Board of Directors.