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NOVA Presents Angela Drake with the Veterans Community Service Award

NOVA Presents Angela Drake with the Veterans Community Service Award

Congratulations to Angela Drake who was presented with the Veterans Community Service Award at NOVA’s 2023 Spring Conference!

This award is presented to a person or organization that has provided outstanding service to America’s veterans, or to programs and legislation which positively affects America’s veterans. 

Angela worked in civil litigation for decades before teaching at the University of Missouri as an adjunct professor. During this time, two veteran students approached her after having trouble with their own VA claims and the Mizzou Law Veterans Clinic was born. Since its founding in 2014, the Clinic has helped secure more than $10 million in VA benefits for its clients. She is a frequent presenter at NOVA and other conferences, and served as a leader of the National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium.

Her own father was a Vietnam veteran, killed in service. She is described by her colleagues as a ‘bulldog’ and passionate fighter who never gives up the battle for her clients. 

We are thrilled to honor Angela Drake with the Veterans Community Service Award!

 April 21, 2023